Before diving in, please be aware:
Ever wondered why parents aren’t in the room at Kinderballet?
For many of the same reasons they don’t stay in the classroom at kindergarten or school.
Kinderballet’s early childhood ballet program is about learning the basics of dance. It is not playgroup.
We take our program seriously and after many years experience we know that children learn better with fewer distractions. Less noise from mums in conversation, less disruptions from younger toddlers wanting to join in and less chance your child will be wanting to run back and sit on your knee for a snack or a drink means better value for money for you and better results for your child.
We don’t expect our youngest students to cope without a parent or caregiver in the room but from the age of three and a half, we ask that parents and younger siblings wait in a suitable area outside the studio (but still on the premises), unless there is a reason mum or dad need to be around.
That allows our qualified teachers to deliver a program that has been painstakingly written and refined over many years without worrying about babies crying, or who is in the room taking photos or filming the class on their phone. It also fosters independence in your child and gives them the opportunity to participate in an activity of their own. It’s a philosophy encouraged by most kindergartens - children generally learn best without their parents around.
Of course we want parents to see how their children are learning, participating and progressing! Which is why we hold Open Days at the end of every term. On these days, family members and friends are actively encouraged to view the final class of term and enjoy the children’s progress. It also prepares the children to perform in front of a small audience ahead of the annual Kinderballet Presentation Day (mini concert).
We do have parents in the room:
Come and try our classes and see for yourself how it works!